We birthed a Peacock. A very talented Peacock at that. NBC joined the streaming battle (finally) and named their service something as unignorable as their content: Peacock.  We helped get the word out about the launch through teasers, long-form film and a full social gamut using our best asset, the bird. These spots ran during the Golden Globes and NFC/AFC championship games.

NBC Peacock Launch | :90 TVC

Teasers | :15 TVC’s

 Social Launch | First Tweet (If you look really closely you can find my initials in the tweet, shhh)

BTS | Andy cohen told Nick he liked his shirt and I've been jealous ever since.


Agency: Anomaly NYC
Client: NBC
Art Director: Hailey Boerema
Copywriter: Nick Romano
Creative Directors: Steve Mendonca & Craig Schlesinger
Edit House: NBC

resumé | haileyboerema@gmail.com